Trade Plan: BUY (Before Market Close)

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Here is what happened:
(click to expand)


Commentary: A perfect trade. Popped up about 10% within a 2 minutes and then kept going. They beat, but more important was the guidance. In you were in the trading room you got to see it all live unfold. The really big story here was the Options trade on the Call. Our pick was a 22.5 Strike (April-16) which were a bargin at .31 cents. They popped up over 400% the next day. See the chart clip below. Nice play – no matter how you traded it.

Jump Zone Profit: 28%

Here is a video of this LIVE trade happening in our Trade Room


The call price was .31 and the next day these contracts were selling for a high of $2.00.
The total jump zone had you taken profit at the high on this call was a ginormous 545%


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