Trade Plan: BUY (Before Market Close)

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Here is what happened:
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Commentary:  This was a slow mover after market – even though they beat estimates by a significant margin. The stock price was see-sawing and at one point was down about 4.8% from close. After the numbers came out we were confident in our data and our call.. and went back in for a second bite at the apple. We went long again at 58. This morning it popped like we expected the 34-hour high hit 71.9 Our jump zone profit on trade #1 is 24%. Trade #2 from 58 entry is 17.6%. For our performance stats we only calculate the first trade that honors the rules. Those of you that came in the trading room yesterday saw the second trade go down as it happened real time. The lesson here is when you know the numbers (history) and its a significant beat – the price-line is going to move up.  We don’t need another jump report to tell us that.

Jump Zone Profit: 19%

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