Trade Plan: BUY (before market close)

Link to the Jump Report

Here is what happened:
(click to expand)


Commentary: One of our better jumps and almost as good as GRPN for profit-taking as last weeks stellar gains continue to impress even us – and we do this day-in and day-out (yawn). Again, we knew our data-set was solid on FOSL, and ran the trajectory several times in disbelief. ANYONE who traded this and followed the Jump Report made money. If you didn’t then you need to turn in your trading license as even training wheels will not help you. In this case the total Jump Zone was 33%.

Long:$34.40 to $45.69

Jump Zone Profit: 33%

Another perfect jump.
We had several members buy the options on this play (March Calls – 43 strike @.65  up 2.00)
Option profits soar when there is a strong delta.

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