Weekly Recap: 2 Winners – 2 Losers. Net gain 2%
After a killer end of April our success didn’t follow as we had hoped this week. We had 3 main Jumpers this week and added a new style that we have call the SNAP. These are last minute picks that we will send out to our fellow Jumpers with about 30 minutes for the trader to act, but more on that later. HLF how could you do that to us…take off for 20% while we were stuck scratching our heads. This one took us all by surprised. Later we had TRIP, NUAN, and our snap UBNT. Now with out further ado lets take deeper dive an go over these trades.
Jump 1
Herbalife Ltd. [HLF] – has to be one of the most talked about stocks out there, and it never disappoints on good movement and volatility. It also helps that it has 2 billionaire hedge fund managers that constantly go back an forth about the direction they say it should go. StockJumpers was short on this and knowing the past movements we said “…short before market close and add to your position when the move is confirmed.” Bummer we missed that one seeing how the “Jump Zone” was 20%! So as we al know this was a miss and a bummed that we missed with the potential this one had to make us all tons of money.
Here is our call
and this is what happened
Jump 2
TripAdvisor [TRIP] – Was a small win, but a win is a win. TRIP had it smallest move in over a year with 11%, 15%, and 25% leading up to this JUMP. We were expecting the same type of move, but we were held to a 5% TP. In the StockJumpers Jump Report we reported was a ” …nice bell curve top and then after a short retrace a second wave up.” And that is almost exactly what played out, but the second wave up didn’t take off like we wished it did, as you will see in the chart below. In the end we walked with our 5% and got ready for the next one.
Here is our call
and this is what happened
Jump 3
Nuance Communications Inc. [NUAN] – was unfortunately a second miss this week. StockJumpers report included “…may be mixed with an overall up move later in the day but the initial is a sell off.” We seemed to get the latter half of the direction perfect but we did call this a sell. NUAN did go off for a solid 9% but we would have had our stop kick in at 3%. So we cut our losses and moved on to the next one.
Here is our call
and this is what happened
Like I said above the SNAP Report is a last minute report we are sending out to members. These are considered secondary plays and though they may not be as well researched with a full report the intelligence on direction should be as good as or better than the primary jumps due to up-to-date information.
Our Snap was Ubiquiti Networks, Inc [UBNT] – When we send these out you will get an arrow pointing in the direction of the stock. We sent out a RED down arrow. At 4 pm est at market close it dropped and created a nice jump zone of 10%! For a last minute trade Ill take that any day!
Let’s see how next weeks jumps perform!